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So far daved5 has created 37 blog entries.

Balance of 2021 season

2021-07-25T12:20:41-03:00July 25, 2021|

As of today, July 25, we have posted the course dates for the rest of the 2021 season.  We have been filling spots with folks who were unable to come in 2020 due to the pandemic.

There is availability on the three Day Skipper/Competent Crew courses listed in September.

I hope we are starting on the track to operate without serious covid restrictions in place.

Covid 19 and courses

2021-05-26T10:05:24-03:00May 22, 2021|

Nova Scotia is in another fairly strict lockdown.  As a consequence, we have had to cancel our May 31-June 4 course.  At the moment, the lockdown extends to June 9.  I am hoping and expecting that things will open up substantially after that.

Once this all settles down, likely early June, we will build our schedule for the rest of the season.

Stay tuned.

Covid-19 and our schedule for 2021

2021-04-10T12:24:54-03:00April 10, 2021|


OPEN for Day Sailing Courses – Competent Crew and Day Skipper. 

PENDING for Coastal Skipper, Mile Builder and Yachtmaster prep/exams.

The schedule is updated weekly as we try to get the training done that we safely can. Keep checking back and stay safe.

  • We are working off the backlog of deferred bookings from the 2020 training season and so we are full up to July 2.  Going forward we will add more courses in the next few days.  Check back here for details or check the schedule.
  • At the moment we are taking only students from the Atlantic ‘Bubble’. Any others would half to self-isolate for 14 days upon entering the province.  We will relax this requirement as Nova Scotia Covid restrictions permit.

This Advisory is subject to change in order to reflect evolving provincial health guidelines. Sail training is subject to the Advisory active at the time of sailing, not at the time of booking.

Operating successful and safe courses requires cooperation from everyone on board.  According to the Nova Scotia provincial health authority, the risk of transmission in an outdoor environment in general is low. To reduce risk on board even further, it is important that everyone is following the guidelines laid out by our provincial health authority and is prepared to follow any additional restrictions that Discovery Sailing has put in place to mitigate risk for everyone on board.

Before joining any course with us, all students are required to sign a COVID-19 Health Statement, agreeing to some basic conditions of participation:

  • Do not come if you have any symptoms of COVID-19. Check the symptoms and provincial guidelines here.

  • Do not come if you or anyone in your household has been in contact with someone in the 14 days prior to your course who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

  • Do not come if you or anyone in your household has been outside of British Columbia in the 14 days prior to your course. This is due to the Provincial Health Order recommending no non-essential travel, meaning that at this time we unfortunately cannot accept students from out of province in our courses.

  • Do not come if you have a compromised immune system or other underlying health condition which puts you at greater risk from severe respiratory infection.

If you register and later on can’t comply with these restrictions,  we have a special cancellation policy in place. We want everyone to be able to act responsibly without being stressed about their booking.

We are taking additional measures on board to reduce any risk of transmission, including:

  • We have adjusted our teaching methods so that the majority of instruction occurs on deck, and any instruction provided in the cabin will be on a one-on-one basis with measures in place to protect each student and instructor.

  • Mandatory face masks at all times except while eating, drinking, or sleeping. Students need to bring their own masks that effectively cover the nose and mouth, and meet Health Canada recommendations.

  • Maintain social distancing wherever possible by reducing the number of students permitted on board and using suitable spaced out assigned seating.

  • A rigorous hand washing and sanitizing protocol on board for all crew.

  • A rigorous disinfection protocol on board for all shared surfaces.

Policies will be updated on this page as necessary to reflect the changing situation and guidelines from government and health authorities.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

2020 summer season.

2020-03-25T20:23:38-03:00March 25, 2020|

At the moment all of our courses are full with the exception of 7 days of Yachtmaster prep and exams June 15-21 and a 2 day ICC prep/exam July 6-7.

September is clear at the moment.  We may establish one or two 5 day courses in September but will not make that decision for another month.

Where do our customers come from?

2020-03-25T20:13:06-03:00March 25, 2020|

We have customers in both theory and practical on-the-water courses from a lot of different places.  The map below shows where.

Some courses are now up ….

2019-12-13T16:12:49-04:00December 13, 2019|

We have 2 day Skipper/Competent crew courses the last 2 weeks of August which are starting to fill up, and just posted a Coastal Skipper course with only one spot left.

Buy yourself a Christmas Present and come sailing with us!

Mile Builder

2019-05-15T07:05:29-03:00May 15, 2019|

We have just set July 22-26 as a mile builder with space for 3.  See the Schedule for details.

2019 Halifax Boat Show

2019-02-09T08:28:48-04:00February 9, 2019|

We are at booth #706 at the Halifax Boat Show.  Come on out and say hi!